Ryan's Birth Story Pt 2

This is the continuation of Ryan's birth story... you can find the beginning part here

Shawn & my mom came in the room, and the nurse told me I should get some sleep & that she was trying to have this baby before her shift was over at 7am. I remember being so tired, but not being able to fall asleep; probably from the anticipation of her finally being here soon! The nurse gave me some pitocin as my contractions slowed down after the epidural, and I slept through it all after that. I remember around 2am my doctor came in to check me, said I was 7cm dilated & that she was going to have the nurse come in to break my water. As soon as she walked out I felt this weird sensation down there & told Shawn to check, then the nurse came in & checked... my water had broke as she was leaving apparently. I went back to sleep & was woken up around 5 or so, and was told I was 10cm & the baby was already down the canal so I was going to start pushing.

I had to push three times in a row with a breath in between each time a contraction started.The pushing was not painful, again I felt nothing... but it was hard to push when you can't feel anything either. The nurse told me I was doing great though. Shawn held up my left leg, while my mom helped me with my right. Shawn was so excited, was great encouragement & even watched the whole thing at the same time. When the babies head was out he looked right down & said "the baby is almost here! she has so much hair!". I was expecting him not to watch, as he said he probably won't want to & that it might make him cringe, which I didn't blame him & told him if he didn't want to I wasn't going to be upset. But he watched, and was amazed (even telling people all excitedly about the experience after lol).

After only three contractions (so three times of three pushes each = 9 pushes) the baby was out & she was placed right on my chest. She came out with her eyes wide open, not screaming but more like fuzzy crying a little bit. I cried when she came out but instantly stopped when she wasn't crying hysterically like I always thought they do... I actually got concerned & asked if that was normal, which they said it was. She laid on my chest for a good bit, she was pink & perfect. She looked nothing like I have seen on TV. We all admired her until she was taken away to be cleaned, and weighed. She was born at 5:17 AM (5.17 is the day Shawn & I had our graduation ceremony) on 11.23 (exactly a month after Shawn & I's graduation) weighing 6 lb 9 oz @ 19 inches tall. She has brown hair with dark grayish eyes, which we know can/will change over time.

She was taken to the nursery not soon after, and I got some much needed sleep (even though I kept telling Shawn I just want to see my baby) after that before I went sent to my recovery room. Shawn & I were sent to the recovery room, my mom went home to sleep, and we slept together on the hospital bed until I was transferred again to the room I would stay in for the remainder of my stay.

We had the baby every night, for most of the night. We changed her, cuddled her & I breastfed her. Nurses came in the room every couple of hours to check my vitals, check the baby, talk with us about something or check my stomach & blood output. Shawn was awesome & I loved every moment with him as I did when we first got together. He was actually very sensitive after she was here, and pretty emotional... it was really cute & made me fall in love with him all over again. I was just really happy to have my new family all together with me. I was totally smitten, as Shawn was too. He kept telling me how awesome of a job I did, and that he loved me so much. He also gushed over Ryan the whole time as well, and was extremely happy when he finally got to hold her for himself after they brought her back from the nursery. We were finally able to leave the hospital Tuesday November 25th.


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